To leave a livable world for future generations, MSK Steel Forging, continuously develops itself to protect the environment and ecological balance at every stage of its production.


It is the basic quality policy to provide and respond to changing world conditions with advanced production technologies.


Our environmental policy;


  • To fulfill the necessity of environmental laws,
  • We prefer to use all kinds of products, semi-finished products and raw materials with the possibility of recycling,
  • Using natural resources in the most efficient way by reducing the amount of waste and energy consumption in line with the Environmental Aims and Objectives determined each year,
  • To raise awareness of all our employees about environment,
  • To take measures related to situations that may be threatened environment,
  • To improve the environmental conditions in the working environment and to carry out activities to continuously improve the Environmental Management System,

Çerez Politikası

Çerezler, https://www.mskforge.com/ sitesini ve hizmetlerimizi daha etkin bir şekilde kullanmanızı sağlamaktadır. Çerezlerle ilgili detaylı bilgi için Çerez Politikamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz.